Milith's Gothic Course

Lesson 3: introduction to a-stem nouns, personal pronouns, and weak verbs

In this lesson, you will learn:

a-stem nouns

First, we will learn how a-stem masculines and neuters decline in the nominative and accusative cases. If you do not understand the phrases "a-stem", "nominative", and/or "accusative", please review Lesson 2. The words used will be stáins "stone" (m-a)1 and waúrd "word" (n-a)1.

a-stem nouns singular plural singular plural
nominative stáins stáinôs waúrd waúrda
accusative stáin stáinans waúrd waúrda

1When you see (m-a), (n-a), or any letters in parentheses following a new word, this tells you what the gender and stem are. The first letter is the initial of the gender the noun belongs to, and after the dash is the stem. So, stains "stone" is a masculine a-stem.